
Sunday, November 25, 2012

Celebrate Your Life

Do not see only the beautiful ones..
Do see everyone and find what is beautiful in them..

Do not impress others, with the masks on your face..
Do impress them, with the tasks you face..

Do not ask, ‘What do others have for me?’
Do ask, ‘What do I have for others?’

Do not share others stories, to make enemies..
Do share your stories, to make friends..

Do not thank others, for what they have done to you..
Do thank them, for why they have done to you..

Do not advise others, it is good for you..
Do advise yourself, it is good for others..

Do not act differently, you may copy or imitate someone..
Do act as you are, you are already unique and different..

Do not love the one, who loves you..
Do love everyone, for we all are equal in front of the God..

Do not live, complaining all your life..
Do live, celebrating all your life..

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Love and Hatred

I have been watching few movies for the past couple of months.  Out of those, few were of the stories which reveals the Jew’s life during Hitler’s period in Germany.  Would like to list few, ‘The rise of the evil’, ‘The boy in the striped pyjamas’, ‘Life is Beautiful’, ‘Schindler’s List’, etc..  All the above mentioned movies were not just simple stories.  Such a beautiful life’s they were.  I seriously couldn’t control my tears coming out of my eyes.

A man, with all his powers, crushed 6 million beautiful roses. He destroyed their generations. He demolished their dreams. What kind of a man he his? Where were the common sense, knowledge and wisdom, to all those who have followed him?  I wonder, how he could have done that? There are several reasons quoted, if you google it.  Though there are many reasons, it has mentioned that, his early experience in his life with jew’s were unpleasant. With all those grudges and with all other reasons the man was completely filled with hatred against jew’s.  

 I heard somewhere that ‘A war starts when a smile gets rejected’.  Rejection is a pain. Rejection brings hatred. Hatred empties love, it finds fault, it brings fear, it brings irritation, it kills them or the other. And the medicine is ‘Love’. Check out these beautiful words from the bible about ‘Love’ 1 Corinthians 13.

From the above mentioned movies I could see, In all the struggles and sufferings of their lives, they have shown us what love is, when hatred was ruling. I feel shame to compare my problems/sufferings now with the ones who suffered then. We should really thank god to have such a wonderful and beautiful life. Let us learn to love everyone without any differences.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Do you cook?

I was interacting with one of my friends.  As usual about general stuff(doing timepass :-P), in some context, she asked me, ‘Do you cook?’. I said ‘I wish to’ then I asked her the same. She replied ‘ Its just a waste of time, Instead I would take rest and be happy in that time’ .  Some how I was really disturbed with that answer(May be because I come from village :-P). I don’t know how many of them are with the same thought, but it kindled me to scribble something..
             I was thinking that(because I was vella :-P), what makes them to think this way, Is that people are really tired about their work and they want to take rest? Or they don’t realize the joy of cooking food?
             I think, when we talk about food it doesn’t mean its only about food.  Food speaks about people, region, language, religion, culture, tradition and character.  Aren’t we realize, nothing can compensate the food at home.  Its just because of the way it is cooked. (So what are you coming to say?  :O
            When a mom feeds her child, she doesn’t prepare just food, she prepares it with unconditional and incomparable love, a story, a song (lullabee) and she feeds all into us.  Food conveys love, builds relation, brings health and brings happiness.  And what we are all now are - cooked at home.
                Oh there are lot of things flows on my mind.. Ok..  It looks like a big gyan.. Enough for now.. So do u cook?  ;-)

Thursday, March 8, 2012

My 25th Scribbling..

         There is something special about this post, Its my 25th post.  Though it took me long time to achieve this small height, I am happy for this. Long back Shomoita tagged my blog in hers and asked this question, ‘What made you to write/start the blog?’. I take this opportunity to just let you all know the reason of my scribbling.
        During college days, I spent most of the time outside the classroom for different reasons. So when I was in classroom, I felt very difficult to concentrate the lectures.  I started scribbling in my notebook when lectures are on.  It may be a pencil drawing or a poem or something which strikes my mind or whatever. The same became my habit. (But one good thing is, I don’t scribble at desks or in others notebook :P)
         Then the same continued in working place. Few of them noticed it and appreciated for the same. Few said, its rubbish.  But that doesn’t make any difference for me. One thing I thought was, there are people who like what I scribble. I really don’t know whether they all are of my sort.  I then decided to start the blog of mine. Atleast that will have all my posts I write, and I would enjoy reading in future to see myself and my past. 
        I chose ‘Scribblings’ as the name of my blog and there is a reason behind this.  We all see the kids scribble something at the walls, tables and papers at our home. We may know what they scribble or we may not know what it is, but for the kid, those are all its creations, thoughts, experiences, expressions and the feelings. The kid doesn’t worry about what others think about it, but it just scribbles what it likes.  I am a kid here and I scribble what I like.
         The reason and the purpose may not be great to start this blog but the benefits are really great. Through this blog, I made lot of friends, I met people, I read them and I reflect few of them in me. On the whole I enjoy this experience and I will keep continuing it. I would like to thank Smriti Garg, who insisted me a lot to start this blog. I think I couldn’t have created this without her encouragement. I would also like to thank all of you for your support and appreciation.

Oh its a women's day today.. Happy Women's Day...

My Scribbling continues.. 

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